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Steve Wozniak Innovations You Might Not Know About

Posted by WWSG Staff on Aug 11, 2016 10:57:03 AM


Steve Wozniak is arguably one of the greatest innovators of our modern age, and you likely know him as one of our era’s great technology pioneers. He is one of the Steve’s responsible for the founding of Apple and he was a driving force behind developing the groundbreaking Apple II Computer. Apple’s influence has gone on to shape not only the industry but fundamentally has wielded an impact on the way we live (just see how many times Apple appears on Time Magazine’s most influential gadgets of all time list).

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Topics: innovation speaker, Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak as a Keynote Speaker: The Woz Experience

Posted by Kelly Dieter on Jan 8, 2014 2:46:00 PM

Silicon Valley icon.  Notable Philanthropist.  Co-founder of Apple Computer.  Muse for many disruptive technologies: iPod, iPhone, iPad.  Co-inventor of the Apple I & II.  He is “Woz.”  Steve Wozniak.  

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Topics: Steve Wozniak, Apple, iPad, iPod, iPhone

WWSG Speakers Answer Your Organizational Behavior Questions

Posted by Kelly Dieter on Nov 15, 2013 12:47:00 PM

Top Speakers on Organizational Behavior 

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Topics: Carly Fiorina, Steve Wozniak, Organizational Behavior, top speakers on Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior Questions, Soren Kaplan, WWSG's Top Speakers

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