Grief-stricken Nancy Brinker made a promise over thirty years ago that has blossomed into a global movement.
In 1980, Brinker lost her sister, Susan Komen, to breast cancer. In the last moments of her sister’s life, Brinker pledged that she would fight tirelessly against eradicating breast cancer for good. This sparked a drive for changing the way the world sees breast cancer. The movement that ensued in the decades to follow fundamentally changed fundraising and not-for-profit organizations around the world. And it all started with a promise.
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Women Keynote Speakers,
Susan Komen

In a world of marketers, it’s important to get your name and face out there as much as possible. The information age has given anyone the power to be an expert on just about anything. This presents a challenge for keynote speakers: how do you present yourself as an authority?
One of the best ways to establish credibility is by publishing a book. These days anyone can contribute to a blog, but putting the time and research into a published work means that you have influence in your respective industry.
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female keynote speaker,
Women Keynote Speakers
Women leaders and successful women in business have overcome hurdles which both women and men can relate to, often making them excellent keynote and/or motivational speakers. These women are especially powerful and in-demand by audiences when their accomplishment is monumental by any standard, such as leading a Fortune 20, establishing a multi-billion dollar organization from scratch, commanding a U.S. Naval station, becoming a renowned business and media icon, or chairing a major financial institution. These women leaders don’t just beat the odds, they defy them.
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Women Keynote Speakers,
WWSG's Top Speakers
Allen West - During a time where political parties have never been more polarizing, Allen West is proof that race does not determine political affiliation. Born in 1961 in Georgia, West is a Republican and former member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He served in the US military from 1983 to 2004, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. During his tenure in the military, he received several awards including the Bronze Star and the Army Commendation Medal. West speaks for his strong conservative values as well as a firm education. He is considered a star member of the Tea Party Caucus, where he has repeatedly fought the notion that the movement was motivated by racism, and instead believed it appealed to the conservative values he was raised to honor. His views and affiliation have shown the Grand Old Party can appeal to members of any race and background, and consistently works to prove it, inspiring many others to join the fray. Learn more about Allen West here.
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motivational speakers,
innovation speaker,
Women Keynote Speakers,
WWSG's Top Speakers
What You Need to Know About Secretary Elaine Chao...
Speaking on strategy, the geopolitical climate and global competitiveness, Secretary Elaine L. Chao pulls from her unique perspective at the Department of Labor, her experience as CEO of United Way of America, and her service as Director of the Peace Corps to deliver compelling speeches as a powerful keynote speaker.
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keynote business speaker,
female keynote speaker,
best women speakers,
Women Keynote Speakers,
Secretary Elaine Chao,
WWSG's Top Speakers
According to CNN, the economy added an anemic 120,000 jobs last month while the unemployment rate barely wavered. The impact of the economy on the upcoming Presidential campaign is primed to be a challenge for the present administration. Voters may take into consideration the unemployment rate on Election Day, and yet this metric is questionable with regard to whether it is indicative of economic growth or not.
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keynote business speaker,
best women speakers,
best election keynote topics,
Women Keynote Speakers
When selecting a speaker for the financial industry or for an audience who watches every move of the Dow Jones industrial average, Standard & Poor's 500 index and the Nasdaq composite index, selecting an expert can be a challenge. Finding a woman who can competently address these topics may seem to be a difficult task. That speaker must be an expert; she has to understand what a drop in consumer confidence may mean to the economy, including the impact on housing starts, and gas prices. She must also be knowledgeable and able to articulate how the public sector and private sector are interdependent as well as what that interdependence entails when forming public policy.
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female keynote speaker,
financial woman speaker,
female financial speaker,
Women Keynote Speakers
Whether you agree that healthcare should cover the cost of contraception or not, there is no question that this week, healthcare reform made headline news. A student by the name of Sandra Fluke was criticized by radio host, Rush Limbaugh, for openly discussing her support of having contraception covered by healthcare insurance. Although Mr. Limbaugh issued an apology over his choice of words, which included “slut” and “prostitute”, the sting of his criticism caused a public outcry.
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best women speakers,
Women Keynote Speakers,
WWSG's Top Speakers,
Healthcare Speakers
Women leaders come in many shapes and sizes and when hiring a woman speaker for a keynote presentation, the hope is that the message is inspiring and motivating. Few women speakers have the background or depth of life experiences to turn a negative into a positive as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a relentless champion of free speech, defender of women’s rights and outspoken controversial public figure. She has been the target of death threats, victimized publicly, and yet she is a voice that won’t be silenced.
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best women speakers,
Women Keynote Speakers,
motivational women speakers